遗传算法是 a PreK-12, coed, nonsectarian day school in Fort Washington, PA

What makes us unique?


Board of 受托人


日耳曼学院的董事会是学校的管理机构,是学校行政领导的专门合作伙伴. 它负责制定与学院运作相一致的政策目标,并促进学院的使命和文明承诺. The Board provides fiduciary oversight and stewardship of the Academy, appoints and oversees the 校长, and engages in and supports long-range strategic planning.

The GA Board of 受托人 执行 Committee is chaired by the President of the Board. The 执行 Committee consists of the Committee Chairs, 军官, and ad hoc trustees (if so invited by the 董事会主席), all of whom are nominated by the 董事会主席 and elected by the Board annually.

校董会由不超过33名成员组成,他们是根据学校章程选举产生的志愿者. 受托人 are invited to serve for a three-year term with a limit of three terms, with a then required one-year roll-off.  At the end of each 3-year term, 理事会主席和治理主席与每个受托人交谈,以确保双方都同意另一个任期.

执行局每年通常举行四次定期会议,并举行一次夏季静修会,就更深入的政策和战略规划进行讨论. 除了, 受托人 serve on standing committees, to include: Governance, 执行, 金融, 投资, 审计, 设施 and Development and Communications. In any given year, task forces may be created to address other strategic issues (i.e. Strategic Vision, Program & Property Planning, and Marketing). 根据章程,执行、审计和治理成员只能由受托人组成.

受托人 are nominated to the Board through the Governance Committee, which is responsible for facilitating Board leadership and succession planning. 该委员会征求并欢迎来自现任受托人和学校所有选区的建议.  管治委员会负责就策略提出建议,并就如何保持多元化向董事会提供意见, balanced representation among its membership. In order to ensure a vast array of backgrounds, experiences and skillsets, 治理委员会使用受托人矩阵,其中包括每个受托人的当前技能和经验概况,用于董事会的组成和分析.  如果董事会和/或特定委员会表示需要特定背景或技能, 然后由治理委员会讨论,并可能添加到矩阵和/或潜在提名人的讨论中. 例如, if there is a determined need for an individual in the medical/health care field, such will be used as a criterion when reviewing recommendations for Board nomination.

值得注意的是,管理人员和教师都是各自教育/vwin德赢娱乐领域的专家, 董事会作为一个支持性的咨询团队,协助和合作,推动学校走向我们共同的未来.

最后, the majority of 受托人 are alumni/ae, parents of alumni/ae, 现在的父母, or some combination of these. 受托人对GA有着真诚的热爱,并致力于履行vwin娱乐场官方和文明承诺,使GA成为最好的独立学校.

If you have questions or concerns regarding the Board of 受托人, please do not hesitate to contact the current 董事会主席.

2023-24 Board of 受托人

迈克尔·H. 约旦

约翰米. 加洛韦



Anthony DiSandro, Jr.    
Annamarie Geppert Hellebusch '84
萨尔瓦多J. Paone 95
Rich Schellhas 1760

比拉维. Bagga
劳拉·W. 布鲁尔80
爱尔兰共和军米. 布朗斯坦
Amy Seyfert Connelly '90
Anthony DiSandro, Jr.
托马斯·E. Durkin 89
朱迪一. Felgoise
Dr. Desrene弗里曼
约翰米. 加洛韦
朱迪J. 1760年古德曼
Annamarie Geppert Hellebusch '84
Lauren Hellman '95
Dr. 菲利普·黄
迈克尔·H. 约旦
Claire MacRae '84
Dr. Linda White Nunes '80
萨尔瓦多J. Paone 95
乔治·米. 仪式76年
Diana Rodgers '03
安德鲁·D. Sandifer
Kezirah Linn Vaughters '91
威廉·B. 小Weihenmayer. '03


金缕梅R. 亚当斯
约翰·K. 下肢痉挛性50
Christopher J. 1760年戴维斯
克里斯托弗·H. 加兹登
Eleanore H. 1760年的加兹登
A. Scott Holmes '57
Jeffrey一. Honickman 75
Janice MacVaugh Kopple 1760
布拉德利J. 科曼女士83
Susan Stratton McGinnis '78
杰弗里·T. Sultanik 72
理查德·W. 撒切尔夫人,小. 1760
克拉伦斯Z. Wurts



执行 Committee

The 执行 Committee’s role is to set the agenda for the Board each year, coordinate the work of Board committees, and assist the 校长 as sounding board and counsel.

Governance Committee

管理委员会通过确保有效的董事会和学校领导来支持日耳曼学院的使命. 委员会通过以下方式负责董事会治理:定期审议, revision and implementation of the By-laws; the regular review and discussion of School and Board policies and procedures; the general structure of Board 委员会 and the composition of Standing 委员会; the annual self-evaluation of the Board; the recruitment and on-boarding of new 受托人; the oversight of the overall composition of the Board and trustee/officer/committee chair succession planning; and, the oversight of Trustee professional development and School engagement.

Development Committee

The Development Committee oversees all institutional advancement fund raising activities, marketing efforts, 以及公共关系和对外沟通,使vwin德赢娱乐成为一所领先的独立学校.

金融 Committee

财务委员会监督学校财务规划和报告的所有重要方面, control and audit functions, as well as overseeing endowment, campaign and operating investments. 这包括专注于财务报告的定性方面,以及学校管理商业/财务风险的流程,以及遵守重要的适用法律, ethical and regulatory requirements. 除了, 财务委员会的工作重点是确定可能对学校长期财务健康产生重大影响的财务趋势/情况.

投资 Committee


Campus Planning Committee

校园规划委员会应全面负责所有建筑物和设施的维护和改善, maintenance and use of the grounds. 该委员会监督实现工厂和设施目标的战略,以提供满足学校教育计划需要的优秀物理环境,并考虑到健康领域的要求, 安全, 美学, accessibility and environmental impact.




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